Talamban,  Cebu City, Philippines
                                                                                                                                               (Effective School Year 2013-2014)

First SemesterFIRST YEAR

Course CodeCourse DescriptionLecLabAcademicPre-requisites
Design 1Archt'l Design 1  (Basic Des. Principles)163,0 
Arcmath 40AAlgebra 303,0 
Arcmath 40BTrigonometry303,0 
Vistech 1Monochromatic Freehand Drawing 062,0 
Graph 1Architectural Drawing264,0 
Filipino 1Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino303,0 
Engl 1Communication Arts 1303,0 
Humn 1xSurvey of Western  Arts303,0 
P.E. 11Self-Testing  Activities202,0 
NSTP 1National Service  Training Program 1303,0 
ReEd 10Man in Search of God(3)(0)(3,0) 
                                             TOTAL 29/32 
Second  Semester

Design 2Archt'l. Design 2 (Basic Des.  Principles)163,0Design 1, Graph 1
Arcmath 41Analytic Geometry303,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath  40B
Engl 2Communication Arts 2303,0Engl 1
Filipino 2Pagbasa at Pagsulat  Tungo sa Pananaliksik303,0Filipino 1
Econ 1NPrinciples of  Economic w/ Agrarian Reform303,0 
Desc GeomxDescriptive Geometry303,0Graph 1
Graph 2Perspectives, Shades  & Shadows264,0Graph 1
Vistech 2Color Rendering 062,0Vistech 1
P.E. 12Ryhthmic Activities202,0PE 11
NSTP 2National Service  Training Program 2303,0NSTP 1
REEd 20Man, the Christian  Believer(3)(0)(3,0)ReEd 10
                                                    TOTAL 29/32 
First SemesterSECOND YEAR

Design 3Architectural Design 3163,0Design 2, Graph 2
Arcmath 42Differential Calculus303,0Arcmath 41, Desc  Geomx
Phys 1Mech. Heat &  Sound & How They Affect Human Behavior202,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath  40B
Phys 1LMechanics, Heat and  Sound Lab031,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath  40B
Engl 101Advanced Grammar and  Composition303,0Engl 1, Engl 2
Bldgtec 1Materials of  Construction303,0Design 2, Vistech 1
Archist 1History of  Architecture 1 (Ancient)303,0Design 2
Vistech 3Presentation  Techniques132,0Vistech 2
Natsci 3NEarth Science,  Environment and Society303,0 
Phil 2Logic303,0 
P.E. 13Fundamentals in Games  & Sports202,0P.E. 12
                                                                           TOTAL  28.0 
Second  Semester

Design 4Architectural Design 4163,0Design 3
Arcmath 43Integral Calculus303,0Arcmath 42
Phys 2Magnetism,  Electricity, Light & Optics202,0Phys 1
Phys 2LMagnetism,  Electricity, Light & Optics Lab031,0Phys 1L
Botn 1AGeneral Botany303,0 
Util 1Plumbing and Sanitary  Engineering303,0Bldgtec 1, Phys 1
Util 2AElectrical and  Mechanical System303,0Bldgtec 1,Arcmath  40A,Arcmath 40B,
     Phys 1
Bldgtec 2Constr., Drawing in  Wood and Masonry233,0Bldgtec 1, Graph 1
Archist 2History of  Architecture 2 (Medieval)303,0Archist 1
Surv 1xSurveying 1,  "Plane, Topo, Photo Interpretation"101,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath  40B
Surv 1LSurveying 1 Lab.  "Plane, Topo, Photo  Interpretation"031,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath 40B
P.E. 14Recreational Activities202,0P.E. 13
                                                                         TOTAL  28.0 
First SemesterTHIRD YEAR

Des 5Architectural Design 5194,0Design 4
Enggsc 1Mechanics (Static of  Rigid Bodies)303,0Desc Geomx, Arcmath  41, Phys 1
Plan 1NSite Planning and Housing303,0Botn 1A,Arcmath 40A,Arcmath 40B,
     Natsci 3N, Surv 1
Archist 3History of Architecture 3 (Modern and  Contemporary)303,0Archist 2
Profprc 1ABuilding Laws: Laws Affecting the  Practice of Arch.303,0Design 4, Engl 1, Engl 2
Bldgtec 3Construction Drawings in Concrete and  Steel233,0Bldgtec 2
AC 1NPrinciple of Architectural  Conservation 1303,0 
Util 3AAcoustics and Lighting303,0Phys 2, Util 1, Util 2A
                                                                        TOTAL  25,0 

Second  Semester

Des 6Architectural Design 6194,0Des 5, Bldgtec 2
Enggsc 2Strength of Materials303,0Enggsc 1, Arcmath 43
Plan 2NIntroduction to Urban  & Regional Planning,Housing303,0Plan 1N, Socio 104x  (co-requisite)
Profprc 2AOrganization, Management &  Regulatory Services:303,0Profprc 1A
 Administering the Regular Services of  the Architect    
Bldgtec 4Advanced Construction Methods Archtl'  Detailing233,0Bldgtec 3, Util 3A
Socio 104xRural-Urban Sociology303,0 
Theory 1Theory of  Architecture 1303,0Design 4, Archist 1,  Archist 2
Arch ElectArchitecture Elective  3,03rd year standing
                                                 TOTAL 25.0 

First SemesterFOURTH YEAR

DES 7Architectural Design 7194,0Des 6, Arcmath 43, Plan 2N
Trop DesTropical Design202,0Natsci3N, Phys 1
Plan 3NFundamentals of Urban  Des. & Community Development303,0Plan 2N, Socio 104x
Enggsci 3Theory of Structures303,0Enggsc 2
Profprc 3AGlobal Practice of  Architecture303,0Profprc 2A, Econ 1N
Theory 2Theory of  Architecture 2303,0Theory 1, Archist 3
Bldgtec 5Est., Specs &  Construction Management Tools233,0Bldgtec 4, Arcmath  40A, Arcmath 40B
Research-NMethods of  Architectural Research/Statistics303,0Arcmath 40A, Arcmath  40B, Phil 2
                                                              TOTAL  24,0 
Second  Semester

Des 8Architectural Design 8194,0Des 7, Plan 3N
Archstr 1Structural Design of  Timber and Steel303,0Enggsci 3
Archist 4History of  Architecture (Oriental)303,0Archist 1, Archist 2,  Archist 3
ReEd 30NWitness to the word303,0ReEd 20
Lit 1Literatures of the  Philippines303,0Engl 1
Hist 15Early & Modern  Philippine History303,0 
Engl 3Aural-Oral  Communication303,0Engl 2
CAD 1Computer-Aided Design233,0Des 8
                                TOTAL 25,0 

First SemesterFIFTH YEAR

Des 9Architectural design 9194,0CAD 1,AH4,Archstr 1,Bldgtec 5, Theory  2,
     Profprc 2,Plan 3N,TropDes,Util 3, Des  8,
     Research-N, 5th year standing*
LandscapeLandscape  Architecture202,0Botn 1a
Archstr 2Structural Design of Reinforced  Concrete 1303,0Arcstr 1
ReEd 40The Christian Witness  in the World303,0ReEd 30N
Lit 2Literatures of the  World303,0Lit 1
Posc 13Current Issues303,0 
CAD 2Computer-Aided Design  2233,0CAD 1
                                                                        TOTAL  21,0 
Second  Semester

Des 10Architectural Design 101125,0Des 9
Hist 17Rizal Course303,0 
Psyc 1General Psychology303,0 
Arcstr 3NStructural Design of  Reinforced Concrete 2303,0Archstr 2
                                                         TOTAL  14,0 

IDInterior Design 163,0
AC 2Architectural Conservation 2163,0
ArchJourArchitectural Journalism303,0
Arch GISGeographical Information System303,0
*ConsPracConstruction Site Practice 303,0*to be taken during Summer
*5th  Year Standing - must  have passed all  subjects from first year to fourth year


a.  "Certificate of DRAFTING  TECHNOLOGY" shall be granted upon completion of all prescribed  courses 
       from 1st Year, First Semester to 2nd  Year, Second semester

b.  " Certificate in BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND UTILITIES" shall be  granted after completion of all prescribed courses 
        from 1st Year, First Semester to 4th  Year, First Semester

c.  "Certificate of CADD"  shall be granted after completion of all  prescribed courses

       from 1st year, First Semester to 4th  Year, Second Semester